His highest demanding product are park benches.
Making benches out of plastic caps. Be keeping the plastic we ve collected out of our landfills caps container lids from other items purchased at the grocery are very good polymers with yet a long life that should be reused 2. Caps for a bench made by recycling these caps. Recycled plastic factory of englewood ca paid the school 20 cents a pound for their 5 plus tons of plastic bottle caps and the factory melted down the bottle caps to manufacture plastic lumber that has been used to retrofit 30 of the school s outdoor benches. And they started an amazing program called abc promise partnership which allows kids to recycle plastic bottle caps and lids into benches for their communities.
Be recycling these plastics to make an attractive bench for the comfort of future generations in the location of our choice. The response was so great that we collected more than 800 pounds of caps and we were able to get two benches. We also shared plastic caps with the 4 h group who are getting a bench to place at the nazareth motherhouse and we are now sharing with the marion county library. Grafton is getting the next generation excited about recycling.
It takes 400 pounds of plastic caps to make one bench. It s an exciting teaching tool wherein plastic bottle caps are transformed into benches that will last a lifetime. Through his abc program or a bench for caps. They are out of evansville indiana.